Detoxifying your system
Keeping off starchy foods and oil based meals isn't exactly a full detox it's discharge, you rid the system gradually and lovingly those meal that you took during the festive season. Then just as lovingly and carefully, you introduce those nourishing cleansers that not only revamp the system but wash away all the impure sediments.
Just like taking a car for an overhaul, you first rid it of old oil, clean out all the damage parts and dirt, then feed in new oil and new parts.
Detoxification can be a one day full blown exercise and it is the beginning of the year is the best time for that. A detoxification program is not a weight loss program, it is just to keep your body strong and healthy. To keep your body alive and strong, you need more substantial and balance diet than the detoxifying plan allows.
We choose one-day plan because it is easier and safer for
the working woman.
*Day before the actual date probably on a Saturday or
Sunday, reduce steadily the quantity of food you consume. This is to reduce the
shock to your system when you have to go without any heavy food. One day detox
is more effective with fruits than vegetables. The fruit to choose from
include; apple, grapes, watermelon, oranges, pineapple and pawpaw.
Drink a tall glass of water with a squeeze of lemon or lime.
That helps to cleanse the intestines
your first glass of fruit juice. If you feel thirsty, drink water with a
squeeze of lime.
LUNCH: Repeat your breakfast routine for lunch.
DINNER; Drink up your last blended fruit juice.
Go to bed early, you will wake feeling bright and breezy
next day.
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