Monday 3 February 2014



Having a  good sex life doesn’t just happen – it requires an additional help, which is a balanced and nutrients diet combined with regular moderate exercise and a positive attitude. These are all key elements in helping to keep your sex drive high and your reproductive system in good working order. You cannot ignored that there are certain nutrients which have the power to regulate the levels of sex hormones in your body, and some can even help to protect your reproductive system from the potentially damaging effects of infection or disease. 

  • A lack of zinc can cause infertility  and impotence, and while moderate amounts of alcohol can help people to feel relaxed.

  • Caffeine in coffee, tea and cola drinks can reduce libido.

  • Being either overweight or underweight  can reduce the libido and impair fertility. A certain level of body fat is necessary ovulation and menstruation, and when fat drops below a certain critical point, ovulation and menstruation both cease.

  • A negative attitude to your weight or body shape can dent your confidence in sex and relationships. 

    However, there are certain foods that are not only delicious but also contain the necessary nutrients to maintain your reproductive health and your libido. These will contribute to your healthy sexuality by maintaining your system in good condition, helping you to regulate your hormonal cycles and boosting your fertility. Besides, the fast pace of modern life leads to stress, tiredness and sometimes a lack of sexual energy. Foods indicated below can help to combat this.



    Oysters are no 1 food of love. They are high in zinc which is essential for making testosterone.



    Chocolates contains chemical thought to affect neuro-transmitters in the brain and a related substance to caffeine called theobromine.



    Banana flower has a phallic shape and is partially responsible for popularity of the banana as an aphrodisiac food. Banana is rich in potassium and vitamin B, which is important for hormone production.


    Avocado is the mythic thought of fruits hanging on the tree resembled the male’s testicles. It is a delicious fruit with a sensuous texture.


    Carrots are phallic-shaped and are sex stimulants. They are rich in carotene.

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